Monday, December 1, 2008


In fine Thanksgiving holiday tradition, this year was long-awaited. There definitely was much to look forward to, especially in the weeks leading up to it. As usual, the days prior to Thanksgiving drudged along ever-so-slowly. Long days at work, compounded with tons of errands to be done on the weekends, seemed to make the holiday seem so far from reach. But in the blink of an eye, it passed just as quickly as it came.

My holiday started last Wednesday when our offices closed at noon. Not that I could relish in the time off since I had a laundry list of things to do. My to-do list had included a number of things including packing for road the trip to The Bay, picking up the rental car, and somehow slipping-in a hair cut. Once that was done, I had to get ready for the concert.

Oops. Did I mention that I had tickets to see NKOTB at L.A. Live! (Nokia Theater) for last Wednesday? Yes, I know. I had already seen them once at Staples. But Lesley and I went to see the show one last time. They ended their U.S. tour in L.A. last Wednesday night before heading off to Mexico and Europe. For those who care, the show was a good time. We had orchestra seats, and had an awesome view. The theater was packed, and the crowd was mixed --more so I thought than it was at Staples just a month before. We laughed along with those who were screaming seriously, reminisced with the old songs, and grooved with the new ones. Jon (Knight) got a birthday serenade from the fellas and audience, and everyone got to "hang tough" during the encore. Fun times, most definitely. (But if you want to hear my deeper insights on the audience, then drop me a line. Hee.)

Here's a clip from my camera (the encore number, "Hangin' Tough"):

We got in after a late-night stop at Norm's on Pico, so the next morning we were off to a late start. I scooped-up Lesley around 10:30AM on Thanksgiving morning, and we headed off to The Bay. Traffic was practically non-existent, except for that strip along the Grapevine (which is so annoying). We made it to Fremont after about 5 hours.

When we got to the Bernales' condo, the majority of the guests were already there. Final touches were being placed on the food, and the table was being set. I swooped in to do my part and help where I could. The table was beautifully set, and the menu items were amazing. Among them: rigati (tossed with olive oil, parmesan, peas, and sun dried tomatoes), baked salmon, honey glazed ham, haricots verts w/garlic and onions, mashed potatoes, stuffing, tossed salad, and a nicely-prepared bird --which was tender and juicy. To add a little ethnic flair we had Philippine empanadas, puto, and a yummo "pandan"-flavored cake. To add to the dining experience was an array of appetizers (including sweet potato fries dipped in ranch dressing, fried mac 'n cheese balls dipped in marinara sauce, and cheese/chicken stuffed "purses"). A red velvet cake and pumpkin cheesecake topped everything off. Mind you, all of these things (save for the Filipino dishes) were made from scratch by our hosts, Lenore and Allan, and my sister, Tes. Their work was simply magical that night.

We had great conversations, and there was a lot of catching up done among the majority of us who all grew up back in MD. Libations flowed (I actually drank for a good portion of the evening; I didn't eat until very late), songs were performed via Amelie's "Magic Mic," and we played "drunk" charades and poker (while I continued to perform songs throughout the rest of the nig
ht; don't ask).

After putting stuff away, and cleaning up, we vegged out before passing out. A much-needed end to a super long day. But what Thanksgiving doesn't end that way?


To come... Partie Deux -- lazy 'Black Friday,' The Slanted Door, Lime, Patio Filipino, and Corso.


js said...

i am seeing your face correctly in that pic? what is up?!?!

Wen said...

uh, what are you talking about? that's my "all the time" face, esp. when i'm hanging out with you. LOL!