Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I’m having one of those weeks where I feel completely un-motivated to do anything at work. I usually handle things in the office as they come, and today my work flow has trickled in super slowly. I'm talking tortoisesque. It’s weird though, because some days I’ll be praying to the gods to allow me a moment to breathe. Today is not one of those days.

On the upside, days like this actually allow me to be absolutely mindful of some of the things that wouldn’t usually cause me to blink. For instance, one of my co-workers came by and we literally discussed The Hills for a good 40 minutes. FORTY FUCKING MINUTES. Yes. For 40 minutes we talked about how (1) Lauren and Brody should stop the madness and just hook-up (again), (2) we’ve decided that Audrina actually looks pretty retarded, (3) Lo is cool, but she’s been looking pretty hurt lately (word is out that she has some commercial on TV now), (4) Spencer is still an idiot, (5) Heidi is still an idiot (with collagen injections in her lips), and (6) Whitney is actually one of the only people (aside from Lauren) who actually may have a real future on her hands aside from being a peon in the world of pseudo-reality tv. Yes, folks. We discussed this for 40 minutes as if it was our job.

Another thing that happened… Well, over the weekend I ordered something from This is the first time I had ordered from this company, so I had 10% apprehension running through my veins; not too much since I know of many people who have ordered from them previously. I think I placed my order late Friday night/Saturday morning. The first item delivered yesterday morning, and I was floored. That kind of speedy service, for $2.95 no less, was reason enough for me to pledge my allegiance. But I held back since I hadn’t received the other item just yet. That other item came in today, and that excited me. But when I opened it I was disappointed, and felt somewhat cheated. The shoes that I ordered were el bore-o; not like how I thought they looked on the website. Thing is, you have to fill out something online in order for to get the “return” process started. How fucking annoying is that? But I don’t know what I’m more annoyed at: the fact that their return procedures are whack, or that I faced a momentary lapse in judgment and ordered the ugliest shoes ever?! I think I’ll have to go with the latter. Those who know me know that when it comes to shoes, I am quite the particular one. Everything has to be right – fit, style, size… I don’t go for your run-of-the-mill personality-less pair of shoes. I always go with a pair that can tell 101 things about a person (yes, I believe that shoes – in many ways – are windows to a person’s sense of being, style, and sanity). This pair from Overstock, however, was a complete miss. I almost feel like I’ve lost that Midas touch because of it. It’s disappointing, and a blow to my ego. I must now seek solace in solitary confinement for a night or two to sit-back and ponder the error of my ways. I’m mad at myself, but a little mad at, P.S.

Other things… Oh yes. I’m going to spend next weekend in San Fran, so I’ve spent a good time of my day researching stuff that I want to do while I’m there. All I know is that I will be going to Citizen Cake once I get off BART from SFO (and after I check-in my hotel room). My Godsis also found a cool lounge/restaurant, Madjool, for everyone to meet up at Saturday night. And Sunday is supposed to be spent in either Napa or Santa Cruz. I guess I’ll flip a coin Saturday night as I’m falling off an ottoman after having way too many drinks.

Needless to say, it’s time for this day to end. Honestly.

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