Thursday, March 26, 2009


Last December I was asked to report for jury duty right around Christmas. Boo on that, right? Of course, I had to call and make the appropriate requests to have my serve date/week postponed. I almost forgot that my service was postponed until this week. So, I started the routine "call-in" this past Saturday. I didn't have to report on Monday. Same went for Tuesday, and then Wednesday. I thought I was free, but not-so-much. I called to check-in yesterday and lo and behold -- I was asked to report! BITCH!

So I got up this morning, made my way to the L.A. Superior Court in Downtown, and the waiting game has begun. So far they've called for two panels, both trials to be 15-days long. Thankfully I wasn't called. Lunch is going to be called in about 20 minutes, and then we play the game again starting at 1:30PM until about 4:30PM. Gosh this shit is fun. I'm ecstatic. Oh, and my friend kind of scared me about what I had to wear, so I didn't show up in jeans. I am SO annoyed.

At least I have my laptop, and I'm watching the bad-acting that is "Twilight."

Lord, help me. (Please?!)

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