Friday, April 17, 2009


I know that I live in an imperfect world. In fact, I am very much prone to running into some crazy shit. Sometimes I think I'm a magnet for embarrassing moments, awkward situations, and sheer craziness in all forms. To me, it makes for a more interesting life. Why not laugh every now and then, right? Laugh at yourself, laugh at others... it's all relative.

Los Angeles could single-handedly reign as the 'Crazy Capital of the U.S.' I say this with the utmost respect. I've seen crazy people everywhere I've been. Back home in Washington, DC, I've been enveloped by 'crazy' from the most posh of places, to the ghettos of Southeast DC. In NYC, I've bumped into 'crazy' many a times (or watched as 'crazy' actually bumped into stationary objects; yes). Chicago's got 'crazy,' too... as does Boston, Philly, oooh -- and San Francisco. But I have to say that L.A. takes the cake. In L.A., 'crazy' doesn't even need to take the form of a physical person, or an action, or a feeling. It can take the form of a hand-written add posted on a freakin' electric pole:

I'm still kind of in a state of shock after this. The Lakers? Todd Bridges? 4 or more planets in Capricorn?

Someone please call this number, and tell whoever answers that you're a reincarnation of 'Tootie' from Facts of Life, and you've got 3 planets in Virgo that want to mingle with his 4 planets in Capricorn. Oh, and tell whoever is on the other line that you love the Phoenix Suns.


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